Thursday, January 31, 2008

Before I head to Phoenix for the weekend...

...check out this true situation:

The other day we went to this Chinese restaurant near Brookfield and stumbled upon the greatest combination of 2 things ever: old woman and tiny hat. She was part of an old lady hat club!! (that's just my guess, but if that's not the case this story becomes 43 times funnier) Anyway- in an amazing display of luckitude, somehow Li had his camera with him and it was on like Spawn (the comic...). After trying unsuccessfully to snag covert tiny hat shot 2.0 from far away, Li finally asks our old Chinese waiter if he would take a picture of those ladies for us. He agrees.

Waiter: Excuse me. That young man likes your hats.
Ladies: giggle giggle, ooooh

When I return I'll have a wicked sweet Super Bowl post or not. Depends on if I can remember what happens.


Anonymous said...

doing things is what i like to do

Anonymous said...

What happened to the new post?

Anonymous said...

i think she is on the writer's strike. where is my weekly update?


Unanimous said...

Argh! You are so needy! It will be up Thursday night.

Anonymous said...

Are you mad at us? Why withhold?